天津顺达汽车租赁公司位于天津市中心地理位置优越,交通方便,是一家专业为企事业单位、组织、个人提供租车服务的公司。(((可开正式发票))) 天津市顺达汽车租赁公司,经中华人民共和国国家工商部门批准并登记注册有正规资质证书的合法汽车租赁公司。
DVD,电视,可调座椅冷暖空调,车内干净整洁。承接,班车,旅游,会议,婚庆,机场接送等包车业务!车型齐全,价格合理, 欢迎洽谈!
租车指南 • 天津顺达租车商行
一 短租带驾业务流程:
一 Rent with a short drive business processes:
1. 来电告知车型,租期,及相关信息
1. Call us models, lease, and related information
2. 公司客服会以传真形式发租车合同至贵公司
2. Company customer service will be sent by fax to your company car contract
3. 客户收到租车合同后填写好相关内容,盖章或签字并回传
3. Customers receive the rental contract related to the contents of fill, seal or signature and return
4. 租金用车结束后支付公司或驾驶员
4. Rental car company or the driver after the payment of
5. 发票快递至贵公司
5. Invoice Express to your company
二 企业长期租车流程:
二 Second, the long-term car rental business processes:
1. 来电告知车型,租期年限,车况要求,及相关信息
1. Call us models, term life, condition requirements, and related information
2. 必须带营业执照副本,企业法人代码证,法人身份证,公章,委托书
2. Must bring a copy of business license, the enterprise legal person code certificate, corporate identity, seals, power of attorney
3. 经办人户口本,身份证,社保卡,保证金。
3. Managers account, ID card, social security card, security deposit.
4. 签订合同并缴纳定金及一个月的租金
4. Signed a contract and pay the deposit and one month's rent
三 婚庆婚车租赁流程:
三 Three wedding wedding car rental process:
1. 来电告知车型,租期及相关信息
1. Call us cars, leases and related information
2. 如需看车安排客户看车
2. For pick-up arrangements to see clients to look at cars
3. 到公司缴纳婚车定金
3. To the wedding car company to pay the deposit
4. 签订租车合同
4. Signed rental contract
四 自驾流程:
四 Four MICE process:
1. 本人护照,本市居留证(1年以上),必须拥有中国政府允许驾照
1. My passport, residence permit for the city (more than 1 year), must have the Chinese government to allow driver's license
2. 必须有本市户口担保人或者公司担保
2. Must have a guarantor or guaranteed by the city accounts
3. 担保人需提供本人户口本、身份证、社保卡、保证金,担保承诺书
3. Guarantors need to provide my account, ID card, social security card, security, guarantee undertaking
4. 签订合同并缴纳定金及壹万元的租金
4. Signed a contract and pay the rent deposit and ten million