1) 租车时一定看清自己租的什么车, 燃油车还是电车
2)西班牙南部自驾,一定要规划好,到底从东往西走还是西往东走, 并根据时间规划路线。 我是上午从西往东开, 那个太阳啊,晃得睁不开眼,非常不安全了。 戴墨镜也没用的, 我驾龄20 年,只能一个手扶着方向盘另一只手用帽子遮挡刺眼的阳光。 非常不安全了。
3)如果第一次西班牙自驾,并计划去龙达,非常不建议开车, 40多公里山路,路况毕竟我们不熟。 再者,西班牙交通便捷,到这些地方都有大巴,火车,非常好。 我也是临时决定,把车存放附近城市, 然后买了大巴票往返。 我个人意见,供大家参考。
4) 如果像我一样时一个人, 其实租车的意义不是很大了, 因为一个人开车,道路不熟,也无暇欣赏两旁的景色,只顾赶紧开到目的地。
. Explanations are very patient and meticulous, providing us with all the good solutions and the most suitable vehicles, which are also very new. The staff were also very enthusiastic when returning the car, helping to solve the problem. Picking up the car is very convenient, but the traffic in Madrid is terrible when returning the car, and the entrance to the return parking lot is not easy to find. Overall, it was a pleasant experience. The scenery in Spain is very beautiful and there are many fun places to go. It is recommended to choose Europcar.