
租车公司: 租租车:

对Rakuraku的评价: 满意
对租租车的评价: 非常满意
车图标 本田 N-BOX或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Times的评价: 大阪关西机场times很不错
对租租车的评价: 服务很好
车图标 丰田 Raize或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对CRQ-CarRent的评价: 中文客服
对租租车的评价: 整体租车感觉不错
车图标 日产 赛瑞纳或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Rakuraku的评价: 取车还车都在F4A,很方便。
对租租车的评价: 取、还车员工服务很好,快捷。
车图标 本田 N-BOX或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Rakuraku的评价: 联系沟通很顺畅,都按提前沟通的内容完成,在还车时也不是精确的分钟给予了充分的理解
对租租车的评价: 满意的,流程简便
自驾心得: 国外自驾导航非常重要,有个好的导航是自驾成功的前提,可以请工作人员推荐相应导航
自驾线路: 关西机场-大阪市区-环球影城-神户-大阪市区
车图标 日产 赛瑞纳或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Rakuraku的评价: Very good
对租租车的评价: Very good
车图标 丰田 普锐斯或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对YESAWAY的评价: very good, we picked up the car at 11PM, thanks for the wait...
对租租车的评价: good
自驾心得: all good, but the penalty of illegal parking is high at osaka, luckily the guide of rental company is on time, will rent with them again in our next trip in japan~
自驾线路: osaka
车图标 本田 N-BOX或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对CRQ-CarRent的评价: 整个团队服务周到 反馈及时 提供信息有效
对租租车的评价: 我是租租车老客户 还会继续用下去 希望租租车 越来越好
车图标 Nissan X-trail或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Times的评价: The smiles of the main staff handling my case were great. I realized the English standards of their staff were similar to those of the Japanese general public ...a little difficult to communicate with(it gets extra difficult when dealing with poor English ability customers like myself). That was somewhat unexpected given that this is Kansai INTERNATIONAL Airport.
对租租车的评价: My rental deal was "free cancellation at any time." However, I tried to revise the booking time a day in advance, but ANY booking time change was NOT allowed. Sure, I can still cancel the booking, but I also realized the system would not let me make a new booking since I was only a day away.

I suppose this is normal for this type of booking platform. So, this is not a complaint, but just sharing my experience with others.
自驾心得: Do not assume the car will be perfect when handed to your hands. Double check all the key points (such as windshield washer fluid) before drive off to a long trip.
自驾线路: 大阪,和歌山,京都,奈良
车图标 丰田 Raize或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Times的评价: 车辆全新,预定了ets,取车和还车方便,工作人员英文水平还行,整个过程必须给个赞
对租租车的评价: 还好
车图标 丰田 Raize或同组车型