自驾方便,想停就停想走就走 ,比跟团游轻松自在
取車時,職員表示沒有9座位車輛, 經約20分鐘爭議及提供租車副本,方獲得車輛。取車後發現沒有導航系統,又再與他們理論及後提供可貼在銀慕的導航系統,但系統內的資訊非常落後及沒有更新,導致本人車輛被困及需救援車輛協助。
We wait nearly an hour before we can get the car in Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, it was too long.
It is convenient and easy to us. Furthermore, it did provide a lot of reminder services.
No toll road in Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Generally it is easy drive. Travel in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Hollands to the rural area is great !